Eesti suurim disainipood TALI concept, asutatud arhitekt Triinu Tiiseli ja ettevõtja Jaan Allikvere poolt, pakub värskeimat ja kvatliteetset Eesti disaini ning inspireerivaid brände maailmast. Hoolikalt valitud tooteid (ehted, nahakunst, rõivad, kodusisustus) iseloomustab põhjamaale kohane lihtsus, kvaliteet, minimalism ja geomeetriine vorm, tasakaalustatud peene sarkasmi ja huumoriga.
Arhitektitaustaga Triinu terviklik ja detailideni läbimõeldud keskkond ning pidevalt uuenev hoolikas selektsioon parimatelt loojatelt rõõmustab kõiki, kes peavad tähsaks kõrgetasemelist disaini, kvaliteetset toormaterjali ja stiilipuhast väljanägemist.
About Us
TALI concept is a largest design shop in Estonia, located in a hip Kalamaja area, offers you smacking selection of accessories, clothes, leather goods and home accessories by the most interesting up and coming local designers and inspiring brands all over the world. Carefully selected items will lead you through the different styles of Estonian young designers, where the common line is high quality products with simple minimalistic and contemporary visual, geometric shapes and pureness balanced with sharp humor and cuteness.
Architect and owner of the shop Triinu Tiisel’s detailed and consistent vision of the shop, always searching for the freshest design and refreshing the display, has made TALI shop the most loved Estonian design shop in a short time. Bringing together young designers with established names and offering brand new selection of design highlights, TALI is a place for a person seeking for the top quality design with a little twist.